Science walks forward on two feet, namely ‘Theory and Experiment’..but continuous progress is only made by the use of Both

For fostering scientific learning in early childhood, active, hands-on learning is very important. This can best be achieved through science experiments, promoting discovery and learning.The benefits of learning science in early childhood are many. Here are our top five reasons: 

      1. Instills a love of science
      2. Develops life-skills
      3. Aids literacy and language development
      4. Encourages queries and critical thinking
      5. Helps form independent opinions and develop decision-making skills

      • School Timings w.e.f 05.11.2024 will be: For Mother's Lap(Nursery) to Prep-II: 09:40 AM to 1:40 PM & For Grade I to Grade II: 08:40 AM to 02:40 PM.
      • Online Fee Payment facility is available on Parent App. Feel Safe & Secure to pay fee online.
      • Christmas Joy of Giving Campaign from 12th to 18th December, 2024
      • Kindly note the Periodic Assessment II scheduled to be held in the second week of December for Grade I & II. The school timings w.e.f. 12.12.2024 to 19.12.2024 will be Mother’s Lap(Nur.) to Prep II 9:50 am-12:30 pm & Grade I & Grade II 8:50 am-1:40 pm